Thursday, March 03, 2005

Martin Luther

Tonight my husband and I went to small group Bible Study and we watched a movie on Martin Luther.I felt so strong about the issues.

The Roman Catholic Church said there were no Christians outside the Roman Catholic Church. The common man/peasant needed to pay indulgences to keep his soul and the souls of his family and dead family from purgatory. They believed in the relics to keep man out of purgatory.
My heart aches.

Christ died for a much bigger cause than a basilica to worship in. He died for more than giving a small window of opportunity of going to heaven rather than hell.
God is so much greater than petty political battles.

He (Christ) died for so much more.
He died and we can be free.
We need no more. We need no less.
His work paid for all my sins. For every man’s Sin if he would just believe.
Martin Luther I believe is the man who coined the phrase "“Scripture Alone!”" We need nothing else, but God’s word and Christ’s sacrificial death.

I was listening to a guy at the study explain how he does not call himself a Christian, but a Christ follower.” They mean the same thing. His point was that he did not want to be affiliated with any church. Isn’t that sad. I am not so sure that is what God wants from His Church. He wants unity in belief and purpose.
We as man have perverted what He perfected.

I too say “Scripture Alone!"


At 3/04/2005 11:04 AM, Blogger Old Father Williams said...

What does it mean to say "Scripture alone?" Who determines which scriptures ought to be used and which ought not?

I have found it fascinating that many Protestants are tempted to call Catholics something other than Christian, though originally Luther did not intend to split wholly like that. Rather, he intended reform. It seems that those Protestants unwilling to accept Catholics as Christians run into the same problem that the Catholic church had when it said that none could be a Christian outside the Catholic church. I think the Catholic church was wrong then, and I think Protestants are wrong to do the same.

Question: Did the movie capture Luther's anti-Semitism, and his belief that Jews ought to be forced to convert?


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