Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Time Stamping

Out of all the special moments in my life there are only a few that stick out in my mind. I have long since given up on journal writing a past time my husband wants me to pick up.
This is the craziest thing, but I remember the exact date I received my last tetanus shot. It was December 17, 1997. I got it right after I got my driver’s license.
Everyone remembers the day they got married, but how many can remember the day they got engaged or the date they graduated from high school or the date they road their first bicycle. These are all mile stones, nut the dates somehow get lost in the memory, which brings me to the question of what is the importance of date stamping?

Have you ever watched a Christmas movie and every important aspect of a person’s life has happened on Christmases past and present. A Christmas Carol for example. Why is that? Is it important that it all happen on Christmas? It sure makes it easy to review ones life if everything happens on one day a year.

However in real life it just does not happen that way. Life is full of ups and downs, which too often become forgotten with new and recent memories.

When I was first interested in my husband I wrote everything down in my journal. What I thought he meant by such and such, when I first fell in love with him, etc. We look back to those things and relive those moments. It revives the feelings of first falling in love.

I guess I wish I still wrote a journal what I feel and experience, but all too often I am just trying to live day to day without reflection of that day. Life sort of just passes by. Yes, it is sad.

I liked what Vicki Tolar Burton said on Monday. She was talking about John Wesley. She said that John Wesley strongly believed writing a journal is reading your own life. I feel right now I read too much, but maybe I need to be reading even more and not only reading, but also reflecting.


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