Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Black and White Truth

I am now reading selected essays by Montaigne. In his essay "It is Folly to Measure the Truth and False by Our Own Capacity" he says"
"...but reason has taught me that to condemn a thing thus, dogmatically, as false and impossible, is to assume the advantage of knowing the bounds and limits of God's will and of the power of our mother Nature; and that there is no more notable folly in the world than to reduce these things to the measure of our capacity and competence."

He is basically saying that no one can know for a fact what is true and what is false and to say so is ignorance.

In Chris Anderson's book Teaching is Believing Chris says:
"James Fowler approaches this paradox through a discussion of the stages of religious faith. People in the earlier stages tend to see faith in terms of black and white: I am right and you are wrong, I am in possession of truth and you are going to hell. But in the fifth stage, what Fowler calls "conjunctive faith," we are open to the possibilty of other interpretations and other religious traditions, realizing that we don't have all the answers and that there may be validity of other taditions. And yet 'this position implies no lack of commitment to one's own truth tradition. Nor does it mean a wishy washy neutrality.' Rather, 'conjunctive faith's radical openneess to the truth stems precisely from its confidence in the reality mediated by its own tradition and in the awareness that thatreality overspills its mediation,' The person at this stage trusts her own experience of truth, she believes in it, but she also assumes that other perspectives can 'augment and correct aspects of each other, in a mutual movement toward the real and the true.'"

To sum it all up as Montaigne has said, "Only fools are certain and assured."


At 2/18/2005 1:05 PM, Blogger themikkelsens said...


I guess I really did not put my opinion out there so it was probably hard for you to see what side I was taking. I believe that every person should listen to other's points of view and I agree with you that it is hard to almost ever black and white opinions. In fact I am just the person Montaigne is talking about being a fool because i believe that that there is only one truth. I am not saying that I have it all figured out, but that I believe that something can't be both orange and blue at the same time if it is one solid color. I believe that there is only one truth. Montaigne would call me a fool because I do feel certain and assured of some things. The number obne thing is that Jesus is the only way to God.
I hope that anwers your question.


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