Monday, February 07, 2005

Pilgrim's Progress

My mom used to read to me and my brother and sister when we were young. My favorite book she read was The Children's Pilgrim Progress taken from John Bunyan. It is written for children to understand. It is about a boy who hears the Gospel of Jesus and travels the path of life finally arriving in heaven. The path was hard at times, fileed with suffering, but there are also times of great joy and learning. At one point Christian falls into the Slough of Depond, runs into other travelers along the way that are sincere and others who want to take the easy route to heaven, they never make it.
Pilgrim's Progress is the autobiography of sorts of John Bunyan, but is actually the adventure of every Christian on the road to eternal life. This is much like Dante's Inferno, but different also. Dante's Inferno tells the stroy of hell whereas Pilgrim's progress tells of the story of the path to heaven. Dante shows that what we do on earth matters in the after life. Bunyan shows the specific spiritual of life as it pertains to heaven. But, in both books, these authors write allegorical autobiographies about their life.
I think that I can relate better to John Bunyan's allegory becuase it is in the here and now, whereas Dante is after death. I relate better at this moment with sloughs, and slight victories, and failures, but in the end I know that I will complete the course and pass over the river and into God's heavenly kingdom.


At 2/23/2005 5:46 PM, Blogger Old Father Williams said...

Interestingly enough, there are other characters who do not make the same journey that young Christian does. In this sense, it is also the story of those who do not make it. Christian is witness to all those little hells that men make for themselves on Earth, self-inflicted infernos. As they embrace those Earthly hells, so do they condemn themselves to that Hell to come.


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